
Un Viejo Amor

Encyclopedic Discography of Cuban - USA

Cristóbal Díaz-Ayala

As I did with my first book Cuban Music: From the Areíto to the New Song Movement, this book is dedicated to my parents, who imbued me with a love for music, and our composers and musical artists, the group of Cubans who have made the most significant contributions to our island after the patriots and martyrs of our history.

As for acknowledgements, my deepest thanks to Marisa, my companion of more than fifty years (counting years of courtship), aside from being a direct collaborator on this and other music projects. She has made many suggestions, corrected proofs, and in many instances instructed me on proper (hers) or improper (mine) usage of Spanish; to my mother, children and grandchildren who have been robbed of my time by my work on this and other projects. To my secretary Joselin Mercado for her dedication and effort in computerizing this extensive body of work, and to my daughter (also Marisa) for lending a hand when that mysterious device we call a computer misbehaved. And also to Richard K. Spottswood, who with his work Ethnic Music on Records- A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893 to 1942 is responsible for my taking on this project, extensively drawing on his work and experience, and thereby making him an accomplice as well.

This electronic version of the Discography was unveiled to the public on October 29, 2003 as part of the activities of the V Congress of Cuban and Cuban American Studies that took place at Florida International University, Miami, FL. Numerous artits, musicians and singers, and/or their families were present and in many instances corrected or added information to theirs and others biografies. Among the attendees were Jorge Bauer, María Ciérvide, Emilita Dago, Chamaco García, Enrique Herrera, José Le Matt, Zenaida Manfugás, Luis Santí, Hortensia Coalla's daughter, Orestes Duarte, Germán García, the family of Gonzalo Roig, Olga María Touzet, Marion Inclán, Elena Díaz ,Carlos Díaz' widow, María Antonio Junco, Pedro Junco's daughter. Others, like Guillermo Alvarez Guedes, Martha Perez and Luis Garcia, apologized for illness, or for travel, such as Olga Guillot.

It was an emotional and memorable reunion, in which homage was paid to all those present, and symbolically, to the thousands of performers who appear in the discography.

And thanks to the long list of collaborators where inevitably there will be omissions, and, in advance, we declare our guilt and ask forgiveness. In the case of artists and composers included in this work, these friends have collaborated with personal interviews or correspondence, in many instances revising and correcting their own discographies and even by sending recordings or photos we didn't previously have. We also acknowledge and thank collectionsists who have filled in information on records of their respective record libraries, and supplied us with photos and information on performers. Still others have collaborated by obtaining addresses or by taking and/or bringing back information from Cuba or other countries, sometimes at difficult moments. The previously mentioned record labels also made available pertinent data from their archives, and in some cases, generously gave us recordings in order to complete our study, or allowed us to use photos from album covers.

To all, especially the Unknown Collaborator, whose name eludes us and to whom we again ask forgiveness, many thanks. In this November 2008 update, we have added new collaborators to the original list.

A. Leonardo Acosta, el investigador y escritor más importante sobre la música cubana. Dr. Olavo Alen y todos sus colaboradores del Centro de Investigaciones de la Música Cubana (CIDMUC). Xiomara Alfaro y su esposo Rafael Benítez. Fernando Alvarez(QEPD). Nedda Anhalt. Pablo Aponte (Disco Hits). Sigfredo Ariel. Alberto Armenteros (QEPD). Mariano Artau. Mike Avalos. Raúl Azpiazu.

B. Vicente Báez. Ondina Ballester. Renée Barrios .Marcos T. Barro. Maestro Juan Luis Barry(QEPD). Joaquín Borges. Bruce Bastin (Harlequin Records). Mario Bauzá (QEPD). Prof. Ted Beardsley. Israel Berríos. Prof. Vernon W. Boggs (QEPD). Natalia Bolívar. Alain Boulanger. Sonny Bravo. Dr. Miguel Bretos. Federico Britos. Elena Burke(QEPD).

C. Gustavo Cabarrouy(QEPD). Rudy Calzado(QEPD). Cándido Camero. Humberto Cané (QEPD). Ing. Marcos Canihuante. Pablo Cano. Mercy Cantillo. Rubén Castaldi. María Castañeda, vda. de Berto González. Manuel José Castillo. Jesús Caunedo(QEPD). Dr. Mario(QEPD) y Silvia Ceballos Araujo. Silvio Cebrián. Nat Chediak.Dr. Roberto Chorens. Johnny Clark. Mario Clavel. Humberto Cobo. Bobby Collazo. Humberto Corredor (Sellos Caimán, Cobo y otros). John Cowley. Jorge Coya. José Curbelo.

D. Paquito D'Rivera. Emilita Dago. Ing. Guillermo Dávalos. Ovidio Dávila (QEPD). Miguel De Grandy (QEPD). Sergio De Karlo. Rodolfo de la Fuente. Maestro Aurelio de la Vega. Esperanza B. de Varona. Juan del Collado. Eusebio S. Delfín (QEPD). Carlos(QEPD) y Elena Díaz. Servando Díaz(QEPD). Barbarito Diez(QEPD). Carmen Delia Dipiní(QEPD). Claudia Dipkin (BMG Records Archive). Manolo Domínguez (Sello Nube Negra). Orestes Duarte(QEPD). Rosita Duchesne. Dr. Pablo Dueñas. Juan Dzazópulos.

E. Domingo Echevarría. Jesús Elizondo (QEPD). Sarita Escarpenter(QEPD). Félix "El Gallego" Escobar(QEPD). René Espí. Ramón Espigul. Julián Espinal "Potemkin" (QEPD). Hall Estrada (QEPD).Tony Évora.

F. Maestro José Luis Fajardo. Alvaro Farfán (BMG, Int.). Fina Farrés. Mario Fernández Porta(QEPD). Prof. Oscar Fernández de la Vega(QEPD). Ing. Papo Fernández(QEPD).Frank Figueroa. Mo Fini (Sello Tumi). Harold Flakser. Jesús M. Flores.

G. Chamaco García, David García. Germán García. Luis García. Vicente García. José Gemeil. Leslie Gerber (Parnassus Records). Blanca Rosa Gil. Radamés Giro (Edit. Letras Cubanas). Arturo Gómez. Nilo Gómez (Modiner Records). Pedro Gómez. Venancio Gómez. Benito González. Elmer González. Manny González (Revista Vista). Orlando y Mara González. Jesús Gorís(QEPD). René Grullón. Marcelino(QEPD) y Julia Guerra. Manuel Guerrero. Michael Guimerá (QEPD). Julio Gutiérrez.

H. Eduardo Hernández. Serlando Hernández. Terry Hinte (Fantasy Records).

I. Arístides Incháustegui. Marion Inclán y su esposo, John A. Weller. Felino Izquierdo.

J. Jaime Jaramillo. Jorge Javariz. Felipe Jiménez(QEPD). José Judice.

K. Ingrid Kummels, hija de Argimira Castro, una de las integrantes originales de la orquesta Anacaona.

L. Carlos E. Landaeta ("Pan con queso")(QEPD). Zoila Lapique. Pepe Lara. Alberto Laveaga. José Le Matt Roberto Ledesma. Dra. María Teresa Linares. Lic. Luciano Londoño. Maestro Israel López ("Cachao")(QEPD). Miguel López. Oscar López. Prof. Rafael López Valdés. Egon Ludwig(QEPD).

M. Arturo Machado. Lic. Pedro Machado. Lic. Pedro Malavet Vega. Gilbert Mamery(QEPD). Victor Mandujano. Rudy e Ivette Mangual (Revista Latin Beat). Leo Marini (QEPD). Dr. Manuel Márquez Sterling. Rogelio Martínez(QEPD). Antonio Massísimo. Tina McCarthy (Sony Records). Ing. Roberto McSwiney. Henry Medina. Ignacio Mena (Disco Hits Records).Prof. Ivor Miller. Porf. Jos Maestro Miguelito Miranda. Antonio Molina. Fernando Montilla(QEPD) (Montilla Records). Bernadette Moore (BMG Int.). Robin Moore. Juan Mora Bosch. Jacobo Morales. Fernando Mulens(QEPD). Prof. Raúl Murciano, Jr.

N. Dinorah Nápoles. Alberto Naranjo. William Navarrete.

O. Osvaldo Oganes. Francisco Ojeda(QEPD). Julio Oñate. Joaquín Ordoqui(QEPD). Armando Oréfiche (QEPD). Adriana Orejuela. Helio Orovio(QEPD).Danilo Orozco Ignacio Orozco.Pablo Marcial "Tito" Ortiz. Moncho Osorio(QEPD). Pedro P. Ossorio.

P. César Pagano. Awilda Palau. Eddy Palmer. Edouard Pecourt. Ofelia Peláez. Lou Pérez(QEPD). Mercedes Pérez Glass (Discos Ansonia). María Elena Piedra (Revista Vista). Percy Pinedo. Luisito Plá(QEPD).Prof. José Portaccio. Prof. Rosni Portaccio. César Portillo de la Luz. Armando R. Pous Escalante. Alexander y Olga Prilutchi. Jordi Pujol (Tumbao Records).

Q. José Quesada. Marcelle Quilleveré.

R. María de los Angeles Rabí. Emilio Ramil. Dr. Héctor Ramírez Bedoya. Josean Ramos. Juan J. Reinosa (QEPD). María Remolá. Ariel Remos. Rafael Rentas. Hernán Restrepo Duque (QEPD).Prof. José Reyes. Dr. Raúl Reyes Roqué. Jaime Rico Salazar. Enrique Río Prado. Ricardo Risetti. Luis William Rivera. Rolando y Zoraida Rivero (DOREMI Records). Vilma Rizo. Erundina Rocha (QEPD). Jorge Rodríguez Zaragoza. Jimmy Rodríguez. José Enrique Rodríguez. Luisa María Rodríguez ("La India de Oriente"). Arq. Margarita Rodríguez y su esposo Ing. Marcelo Vera. Arq. Raúl Rodríguez y su esposa Ninón. Carlos Rom. Enrique Romero. Edwin Rosa. Dr. Leo Rosa. Carmelina Rosell(QEPD). Rosendo Rosell.Maestro José Ruiz Elcoro.

S. Galo Sabat(Discos Panart). Julia Sabat(Discos Panart). Jack Sagué. Arturo Saif (West Side Records). Marco Salazar. Max Salazar. Zachary Salem (Alma Criolla Records). Mateo San Martin (Sello Kubaney). Israel Sánchez Coll. José Sánchez. Bob Sancho. Estelita Santaló. Ing. Sergio Santana. Luis Santí. Antonio Santiago Pérez. Orestes Santos(QEPD). Morton J. Savada. Fernando Senra (Meca Records). Ismael Serrano(QEPD). Charlie Sierra(QEPD). David Soffa. Dick Spottswood. Chris Strachwitz (Arhoolie Records). Humberto Suárez (QEPD).Ned SubletteQ-badisc)

T. José Taín Alfonso. Luis Tamayo(QEPD). Juan Bruno Tarraza(QEPD). Manolo Torrente. Jaime Torres. René Touzet(QEPD).

U. Conchita Utrera(QEPD).

V. Bebo Valdés. Eliseo Valdés. Marta Valdés. Enrique José Varona. Héctor Varona (West Side Records). Lesbia Varona (Biblioteca Univ. de Miami). Pedro Vargas (QEPD). Javier Vázquez. Agustiné Vélez.Juan José Vélez. María Argelia Vizcaíno. Mandy Vizoso(QEPD). Ripa Vuorimies.

W. Prof.Alan West-Durán.

Y. Prof. Arturo Yáñez. Yayo el Indio (QEPD).

Z. Eugenio Zabalía.

New acknowledgements -- 2004

Since this internet discography has been available online, numerous individuals and entities have been providing information that we have added and updated in the summer of 2004. We should also note contributions that have come to our email address, from many other contributors.

  • Ondina Ballester, with information about her father Vicente Ballester, baritone. In this case and others, we have included their Internet address for those who want to contact them.
  • Sonny Bravo, son of Elio Osaka, with appropriate explanations of his father, who was one of the components of the Quarteto Caney.
  • Dr. Jose Pablo Dueñas, important historian of Mexican music, contributed a huge number of Mexican songs sung by Cuban performers--work for which he necessarily had to review the complete discography.
  • Rubén Castaldi, from Uruguay, with valuable information of Armando Oréfiche and Havana Cuban Boys.
  • The beloved and admired composer Mario Clavel, with data on the Cuban musician Isidro Benitez, who is the subject of a biography by Mr. Eduardo Cruz.
  • Ramon Espigul, son of Charles Espigul, and cousin of another Espigul who also appears in the discography.
  • Frank Figueroa, who in his books on performers such as Miguelito Valdés and Machito, has also provided important information.
  • Chamaco Garcia and his wife, completed information on himself.
  • Felipe Jiménez, among other things, a chronology of Verne label recordings.
  • Ingrid Kummels, daughter of Argimira Castro, one of the female members of the Anacaona orchestra, with her biography of the orquesta.
  • Luciano Londoño, a living encyclopedia, with information on Colombian and Argentine players.
  • Victor Mandujano, information on the Chilean singer Mario Arancibia. Professor Ivor Miller, arguably the most profound scholar of Abakuá o ñáñigos society and culture, on the musician Alberto Zayas, as well as answering many other questions.
  • Alberto Naranjo, Venezuelan master of percussion with important research data on Kiko Mendive, Los Ruffino, and others.
  • Julio Oñate from Colombia, information about Pepe Reyes, and some valuable records of Cuban music, to donate to the collection.
  • Joaquin Ordonez, for his careful analysis and corrections to the discography of the Trío Matamoros and otros.
  • Tito Ortiz, for his book on the Trío Matamoros, and another on the trios in Puerto Rico.
  • Dr. Héctor Ramírez Bedoya, who has added to his book on the Sonora Matancera, similar biographies of Bobby Capo, Leo Marini and Nelson Pinedo. He is writing another volume that includes biographies of Alberto Beltrán, Celio Gonzalez, and Celia Cruz, so far the best biography done about her.
  • The writer Mireya Reyes, preparing a book on Cuba on Celina Gonzalez, has exchanged information with us.
  • Enrique Rio Prado, in his book The Bronze Venus: Towards a History of the Cuban Zarzuela, with important data on the figures of the comic theater, etc.
  • The Cuban singer and researcher Emilio Ramil, who helped complete his entry on the discography. Through him we learned of the Cuban singer Luis Madrid.
  • Edwin Rosa, with information about La Lupe and others.
  • Marcos Salazar, for always finding valuable information on Benny Moré and other Cuban singers living in Mexico.
  • Ned Soublette for including details of the Valdés family, and for his important book, Cuba and Its Music.
  • José Taín, with his very comprehensive biography of the soprano Blanca Varela, and gifts for the collection of 24 CD's and cassettes of this excellent performer.
  • Manolo Torrente, for his biographical data and donation of his CDs to the collection.

We have not mentioned many books or articles in magazines that have come from the hand of their authors, as above. We have archived and added their names to the appropriate interpreter. 
To all, again thank you very much.

New acknowledgements -- 2010

We have recently added to the discography information, corrections, and additions, with the help of many collaborators. We may have forgotten some, but we thank them all.

  • Mario Garcia, a Cuban from Miami who constantly draws our attention to every missing detail in the discography, whether it is a name or a mistaken date, plus information on deaths, etc.
  • Another native, Roberto García, exerts the same function with the same zeal.
  • Jaime Jaramillo, a Colombian living in Miami, continually provides us with exact dates of birth, death or entry into the United States, which we include in the discography.
  • Amelia Montull, widow of Isidro Cámara, provided us with interesting information about her late husband and on his death in Puerto Rico.
  • From Bogota, Colombia, researcher, writer, and producer of musical programs César Pagano, also provides interesting data.
  • Jimmy Rodriguez, another young Cuban, a researcher and collector, provides us with information from the archive files of the US Government and others, and also provides us with interesting facts about Cuban lyric singers, which is his especial interest.
  • Also from Colombia, Sergio Santana, engineer, researcher and writer, who makes us aware of news, particularly of deaths of international figures who recorded Cuban music.
  • The excellent pianist, researcher and writer, the young José Ruiz Elcoro, recently domiciled in Miami, is an authority on Cuban music of the nineteenth century, and has given us important discographic information as well.
  • From Cuba, Manolo Villar, who died recently, and his friend Manuel Guerrero, kept us aware of the deaths of Cuban performers residing in Cuba. Guerrero has continued the practice.
  • The New York-based Colombian, Juan José Vélez, has done a thorough and complete work on the discography of singer Pilar Arcos, with which we have enriched ours.
  • And finally, thanks to the website of María Argelia Vizcaíno, we are aware of all that happens with Cuban musicians and singers around the world.

Thanks to everyone for their considerable assistance.

Artists' Entries Read Entry
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